Third grade teacher makes full-court shot, earns her class hot chocolate

Third grade teacher makes full-court shot, earns her class hot chocolate

There is not a more beloved person on the internet right now than Ms. Fitz.

Who is Ms. Fitz? Why, it’s Kathleen Fitzpatrick, of course — a former Rutgers University hooper turned 3rd-grade teacher. And she just hit the biggest, most important jump shot in the world for her class.

She promised them if she hit a full-court shot on the playground she’d reward her class with some hot chocolate. Y’all know how the kids get about hot chocolate. They crave it. They’re basically tiny hot chocolate vampires.

Of course, Fitz had to give them what they wanted. So she got the ball, lined her shot up, and drained it. No sweat at all.

Her class is clearly thankful for her. So was the internet. She provided the most heartwarming content we could all possibly ask for at this moment.

People loved it.